I am struggling with a similar issue like in this thread: Check date split periods are continuous
Can someone help me translate the Qsebas' answer to Presto language? As this is exactly what I'd like to achieve.
I am not sure what supposed to be the outcome of this part:
CROSS APPLY Enumerate ( ABS(DATEDIFF(d, From_Date, To_Date))) AS NUMBERS
And how to replace it. Would it be ROW_NUMBER () as a one column and ABS(DATE_DIFF()) in the second?
My sample data:
license_plate | create_timestamp | delete_timestamp |
AA-AAA | 2019-10-08 10:47:54 | \N |
AA-AAA | 2021-01-22 12:37:21 | 2021-07-21 8:27:44 |
AA-AAA | 2021-07-19 9:10:39 | \N |
BB-BBB | 2016-04-15 8:38:59 | 2021-11-04 10:51:18 |
BB-BBB | 2018-03-13 13:56:39 | 2021-10-07 08:21:07 |
BB-BBB | 2021-12-23 12:42:31 | \N |
CC-CCC | 2019-07-26 21:22:42 | 2021-12-17 18:21:37 |
CC-CCC | 2021-11-05 11:08:13 | 2022-02-11 08:44:22 |
I would like to get sth like that:
license_plate | create_timestamp | delete_timestamp |
AA-AAA | 2019-10-08 10:47:54 | \N |
BB-BBB | 2016-04-15 8:38:59 | 2021-10-07 08:21:07 |
BB-BBB | 2021-12-23 12:42:31 | \N |
CC-CCC | 2019-07-26 21:22:42 | 2022-02-11 08:44:22 |
There can be also a column count_ranges to count how many ranges for each license plate there were. There can be many entries for every license plate and they can overlap (so sorting by the create_timestamp and comparing row by row doesn't work). The idea is to group vehicles (license plates) into:
I know there could be more scenarios (i.e. 'Reactivated - Deleted', 'Reactivated - Reactivated' but this split will do for now.
If I had a table that I'd like I could then assign them to groups by:
CASE WHEN count_ranges > 1 THEN 'Reactivated'
WHEN count_ranges = 1 AND delete_timestamp is null THEN 'Active'
WHEN count_ranges = 1 AND delete_timestamp is not null THEN 'Deleted'
END AS vehicle_status
Maybe there is a different way to achieve this?
PS. Listing the exact delete_timestamp at the end of the range and create_timestamp at the beginning of the next range for a single license plate would be useful to check if a license plate was reactivated by the same user or by someone else.
Thanks @Guru Stron, you directed me to the right solution!
I upgraded your code by adding one column to my initial database:
select v.*,
max(delete_timestamp) over (partition by license_plate
order by create_timestamp, delete_timestamp ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING)
as moving_max
from vehicles v
End then I compare next create_timestamp with previous moving_max instead of previous delete_timestamp
Didn't check with your part of code yet. But if it worked before (not as I'd like but as you intended ;) ) and my updated database looks good with the new column (every license plate has its moving_max calculated correctly) so it can't work wrong.