webBrowser bug I want to join youtube with web browser , but I get this message,any idea?
the browser used in visual studio is just IE (Internet Explorer) and since most websites doesn't support IE anymore, most popular sites like YouTube, Twitch, amazon, stack overflow ;) etc. use modern elements and the html/js/css in the website may not work with IE, so most websites either try to load the website or just show a "You need to update your browser version screen" (what you are experiencing right now)
EDIT: i found how to use Webview (not IE) so websites can work properly https://blogs.windows.com/msedgedev/2018/05/09/modern-webview-winforms-wpf-apps/
(NOTE: This is WebView1, Not The Newer WebView2, Please See quaabaam 's answer, here is the link for the answer he/she gave " Web Browser Control & Specifying the IE Version")
(NOTE 2: this link is from 2018 and its been 4 years now so im unsure if the code sample on the Microsoft blog post will work, this is due to .NET 6 and how it changes how you make methods and many more stuff)