Consider a scenario having various classes/structs, some having complex data members, which can contain more of them itself. In order to setup / initialize, a list of all dependencies is required before instantiantion.
Because the types are known before instantiation, my approach is to define a type list containing involved/relevant types in each class/struct like this:
template<typename...> struct type_list {};
struct a {
using dependencies = type_list<>;
struct b {
using dependencies = type_list<>;
struct c {
using dependencies = type_list<b>;
b b_;
struct d {
using dependencies = type_list<a>;
a a_;
struct e {
using dependencies = type_list<c, a>;
c c_;
a a_;
x x_; // excluded
struct f {
using dependencies = type_list<a,b>;
a a_;
b b_;
y y_; // excluded
For example I want to pre-initialize d, e, f
The next steps are:
of d,e,f
and concat each item to a result listdependencies[n]::dependencies
and concat each item to a result list and do the same for each type until type list is emptyThe result may contain duplicates. These get reduced and sorted in a later step. I intend to do this using a constexpr hash map using hashes of __FUNCSIG__ / __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
(not part of this).
How can this (iterating, accessing type list elements, concat into result list) be achieved using C++20 metaprogramming?
I'll just look at the metaprogramming part. As always, the solution is to use Boost.Mp11. In this case, it's one of the more involved algorithms: mp_iterate
This applies a function to a value until failure - that's how we can achieve recursion. We need several steps.
First, a metafunction to get the dependencies for a single type
template <typename T> using dependencies_of = typename T::dependencies;
Then, we need a way to get all the dependencies for a list of types. Importantly, this needs to fail at some point (for mp_iterate
's stopping condition), so we force a failure on an empty list:
template <typename L>
using list_dependencies_of = std::enable_if_t<
not mp_empty<L>::value,
mp_flatten<mp_transform<dependencies_of, L>>>;
And then we can iterate using those pieces:
template <typename L>
using recursive_dependencies_of = mp_unique<mp_apply<mp_append,
The mp_append
concatenates the list of lists that mp_iterate
gives you, and then mp_unique
on top of that since you don't want to have duplicates.
This takes a list, so can be used like recursive_dependencies_of<mp_list<a>>
(which is just mp_list<a>
) or recursive_dependencies_of<mp_list<d, e, f>>
(which is mp_list<d, e, f, a, c, b>