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How to create a Data Factory pipeline run from PowerApps/Power Automate with Pipeline Parameters

I need to kick off an ADF pipeline from PowerApps or PowerAutomate with various Pipeline parameters set by the end user, which is then sent into a databricks notebook. Using the official documentation, I was able to successfully kick off my pipeline from my PowerApp, but it's not clear how to send in pipeline parameters from that documentation or the various blogs I've read.

After running into this a while ago, I ended up calling Databricks directly via the jobs Rest API but that ended up only working for users who already have access in Databricks, which my End Users don't. So I'm back to trying to add ADF as a middle layer between the two. I must be missing something somewhere, because this clearly has to be a common use case.


  • In PowerAutomate, you can set your parameters in the parameters section in JSON format so something like: {"parameter name": "parameter value"}

    PowerAutomate Options