I am creating a class that creates my own custom table using DataTable.
I want it so that if a json file with the DataTable's info is on my computer; the code will put the json file into that instance of the object (done in the constructor)
This is how i am trying to do it
public Table(string jsonfile)
this = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Table>(File.ReadAllText(jsonfile));
this line is causing the error
this = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Table>(File.ReadAllText(jsonfile));
How can I do this without the error?
The full code of the class if needed:
using System.IO;
using System.Data;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
namespace abc.classess._table
class Table
public DataTable mTable = new DataTable("table");
private DataColumn mColumn;
private DataRow mRow;
public Table(string jsonfile)
this = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Table>(File.ReadAllText(jsonfile));
private void formatRegisterTable(string jsonfile)
//formatting table code
Something like this should solve your problem:
Inside you Table
class create the following function:
public static Table Create(string jsonfile)
if (File.Exists(jsonfile))
Table table = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Table>(File.ReadAllText(jsonfile));
return table;
return new Table(jsonfile);
Your table constructor should look now like this:
public Table(string jsonfile)
Then you can use it in ur code var newTable = Table.Create(jsonFile);