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Conversion failed Error SQL Date format Mismatch with C# Datatable datetime fromat depending on system calender setting

We have a Stored Procedure in SQL Server which expects datetime column to be in MMddyyyy format and results in error

Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.

whenever the system calendar setting is set to ddMMyyyy format. The same SP works fine if other date format is set for the system such as dd-MMM-yyyy works fine and returns no error. SP throws error when the calender setting is changed to ddMMyyyy format. It will work fine for dates below 12 as it takes the first digits as month but fails when higher dates like 15 or 28 is given. I am trying to find a solution so that it will work for all calendar settings as I cannot restrict the end users from changing their calendar settings. Please help me ... Here is my SP

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_704000] 
    -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
    @Dt uttTrnBRS readonly,
    @Dt1 uttTrnBRS1 readonly

    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
    -- interfering with SELECT statements.
    -- Insert statements for procedure here
    Declare @RowStatus Int
    Declare @TrnId Int
    Declare @DocNo Varchar(15)
    Declare @NextNo Int
    Declare @Return SmallInt

    Select  @RowStatus = MAX(RowStatus), @Return = 0, @TrnId = 0
    From    @Dt T0  

        --NEW Mode Handle the Insertion of New Records
        IF (@RowStatus = 2)
                BEGIN TRY
                    Insert into TrnBRS (CmpId, FinYear, FYPrd, DocId, SeriesId, DocDate, DocRef, DocStatus, BankCode, BankName, BankAcNo, AcId, AcCode,
                                        AcDesc, BankAcId, EndDt, EndBalAmt, LastRcnDt, BalAmt, Diff, Remarks, BranchCode, BaseId, CUserId, CreateDt)
                    Select  T0.CmpId, T2.FinYear, T2.FYPrdId FYPrd, T3.DocId, T0.SeriesId, Cast(T0.DocDate as Date) DocDate, T0.DocRef, '3' DocStatus, 
                            T0.BankCode, T0.BankName, T0.BankAcNo, T0.AcId, T0.AcCode, T0.AcDesc, T0.BankAcId,
                            Cast(T0.EndDt as Date) EndDt, ISNULL(T0.EndBalAmt, 0) EndBalAmt, Cast(T0.LastRcnDt as Date) LastRcnDt, ISNULL(T0.BalAmt, 0) BalAmt, ISNULL(T0.Diff, 0) Diff,
                            T0.Remarks, T3.BranchCode, T3.BaseId, T0.CUserId, GetDate() CreateDt
                    From    @Dt T0  Cross Join CmpMst T1 
                                    Left Join FYPrdMst T2 ON T0.DocDate Between T2.PrdFrom and T2.PrdTo
                                    Inner Join (Select  T0.DocId, T0.BaseId, T1.SeriesId, T1.SFinYear, T1.EFinYear, T0.BranchCode 
                                                From    DocNum T0 Inner Join DocNum1 T1 ON T0.DocId = T1.DocId
                                                Where   T0.BaseId = 34) T3 ON T2.FinYear Between T3.SFinYear and ISNULL(T3.EFinYear, 3000)
                    Where   T0.RowStatus = 2;
                    IF (@@ERROR = 0) 
                        SET @TrnId = @@IDENTITY;

                    IF (@@ERROR = 0)  
                        Insert into TrnBRS1 (TrnId, LineNum, BranchCode, PDocNo, PDocDate, PDocRef, PRefDate, DrAmtLC, CrAmtLC, Narration, ClearAmt, BankDt, PTrnId, PBaseId, PDocId,
                                             JnlBaseId, JnlDocId, JnlDocNo, JnlTrnId, JnlLineNum, AdjEntry, Notes, RowIndex)
                        Select  @TrnId TrnId, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Order by T0.RowIndex) LineNum, T0.BranchCode, T0.PDocNo, Cast(T0.PDocDate as Date) PDocDate, T0.PDocRef,
                                Cast(T0.PRefDate as Date) PRefDate, T0.DrAmtLC, T0.CrAmtLC, T0.Narration, T0.ClearAmt, Cast(T0.BankDt as Date) BankDt, T0.PTrnId, T0.PBaseId, T0.PDocId,
                                T0.JnlBaseId, T0.JnlDocId, T0.JnlDocNo, T0.JnlTrnId, T0.JnlLineNum, T0.AdjEntry, T0.Notes, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Order by T0.RowIndex) RowIndex
                        From    @Dt1 T0 
                        Where   ISNULL(T0.IsCheck, 'N') = 'Y'; -- and ISDATE(CONVERT(Varchar(10), T0.BankDt, 111)) = 1;

                    IF (@@ERROR = 0)  
                        Insert into TrnBRS2 (TrnId, LineNum, BranchCode, PDocNo, PDocDate, PDocRef, PRefDate, DrAmtLC, CrAmtLC, Narration, PTrnId, PBaseId, PDocId,
                                             JnlBaseId, JnlDocId, JnlDocNo, JnlTrnId, JnlLineNum, Notes, RowIndex)
                        Select  @TrnId TrnId, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Order by T0.RowIndex) LineNum, T0.BranchCode, T0.PDocNo, T0.PDocDate, T0.PDocRef,
                                T0.PRefDate, T0.DrAmtLC, T0.CrAmtLC, T0.Narration, T0.PTrnId, T0.PBaseId, T0.PDocId,
                                T0.JnlBaseId, T0.JnlDocId, T0.JnlDocNo, T0.JnlTrnId, T0.JnlLineNum, T0.Notes, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (Order by T0.RowIndex) RowIndex
                        From    @Dt1 T0 
                        Where   ISNULL(T0.IsCheck, 'N') = 'N'; -- and ISDATE(CONVERT(Varchar(10), T0.BankDt, 111)) = 1;

                    IF (@@ERROR = 0)  
                        Update  TrnJnl1 
                        SET     RecnDt = T1.BankDt, 
                                RecnSys = 'Y', RecnTrnId = @TrnId, RecnType = 1
                        From    TrnJnl1 T0 Inner Join TrnBRS1 T1 ON T0.TrnId = T1.JnlTrnId and T0.LineNum = T1.JnlLineNum and T1.TrnId = @TrnId;

                    IF (@@ERROR = 0)  
                        Select  @NextNo = T1.NextNo + 1, 
                                @DocNo = ISNULL(T1.Prefix, '') + REPLICATE('0', T1.NumLen-LEN(CAST(@NextNo as VARCHAR(5))))+CAST(@NextNo as VARCHAR(5)) +
                                         ISNULL(T1.Suffix, '')
                        From    TrnBRS T0   Inner Join DocNum1 T1 ON T0.DocId = T1.DocId and T0.SeriesId = T1.SeriesId
                        Where   T0.TrnId = @TrnId

                    IF (@@ERROR = 0)  
                        Insert into BankMst3 (BankAcId, BRDate, AcId, BRAmtLC, CUserId, CreateDate)
                        Select  T0.BankAcId, T0.EndDt, T0.AcId, T0.EndBalAmt, T0.CUserId, GetDate() CreateDate
                        From    TrnBRS T0
                        Where   T0.TrnId = @TrnId;

                    IF (@@ERROR = 0)                    
                        Update  DocNum1 
                        SET     NextNo = @NextNo 
                        From    DocNum1 T0  Inner Join TrnBRS T1 ON T0.DocID = T1.DocID and T0.SeriesId = T1.SeriesId and T1.TrnId = @TrnId 

                    IF (@@ERROR = 0)  
                        Update  TrnBRS SET DocNo = @DocNo Where TrnId = @TrnId
                    IF (@@ERROR = 0) 
                            COMMIT TRANSACTION;                     
                            Select 0 RetVal, @TrnId TrnId, 'Transaction Saved...' ErrMsg, 0 ErrType;
                END TRY
                BEGIN CATCH
                        ROLLBACK TRANSACTION;
                        SELECT  -1 RetVal, @TrnId TrnId, ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrMsg, 1 ErrType
                END CATCH

                BEGIN TRY
                    Insert into TrnBRS (CmpId, FinYear, FYPrd, DocId, SeriesId, DocDate, DocRef, DocStatus, CancelState, CanclTrnId, EndDt, EndBalAmt,
                                        LastRcnDt, BalAmt, Diff, Remarks, BaseId, CUserId, CreateDt)
                    Select  T0.CmpId, T0.FinYear, T0.FYPrd, T0.DocId, T0.SeriesId, T0.DocDate, T0.DocRef, '3' DocStatus, 'N' CancelState, T0.TrnId CanclTrnId,                       
                            T0.EndDt, ISNULL(T0.EndBalAmt, 0) EndBalAmt, T0.LastRcnDt, ISNULL(T0.BalAmt, 0) BalAmt, ISNULL(T0.Diff, 0) Diff,
                            T0.Remarks, T0.BaseId, T0.CUserId, GetDate() CreateDt
                    From    TrnBRS T0 Inner Join @Dt T1 ON T0.TrnId = T1.TrnId 
                    Where   T1.RowStatus = 3;

                    SET @TrnId = @@IDENTITY;
                    Update  TrnBRS 
                    SET     CancelState = 'Y', DocStatus = '4', CanclTrnId = @TrnId
                    From    TrnBRS T0 Inner Join @Dt T1 ON T0.TrnId = T1.TrnId and T1.RowStatus = 3;

                    Insert into TrnBRS1 (TrnId, LineNum, BranchCode, PDocNo, PDocDate, PDocRef, PRefDate, DrAmtLC, CrAmtLC, Narration, ClearAmt,
                                         BankDt, PTrnId, PBaseId, PDocId, JnlBaseId, JnlDocId, JnlDocNo, JnlTrnId, JnlLineNum, AdjEntry, Notes, RowIndex)
                    Select  @TrnId TrnId, T0.LineNum, T0.BranchCode, T0.PDocNo, T0.PDocDate, T0.PDocRef, T0.PRefDate, T0.DrAmtLC, T0.CrAmtLC,
                            T0.Narration, T0.ClearAmt *-1, T0.BankDt, T0.PTrnId, T0.PBaseId, T0.PDocId, T0.JnlBaseId, T0.JnlDocId, T0.JnlDocNo,
                            T0.JnlTrnId, T0.JnlLineNum, T0.AdjEntry, T0.Notes, T0.RowIndex
                    From    TrnBRS1 T0 Inner Join @Dt T1 ON T0.TrnId = T1.TrnId and T1.RowStatus = 3;

                    Update  TrnJnl1 
                    SET     RecnDt = NULL, RecnSys = NULL, RecnTrnId = NULL, RecnType = NULL 
                    From    TrnJnl1 T0 Inner Join TrnBRS1 T1 ON T0.TrnId = T1.JnlTrnId and T0.LineNum = T1.JnlLineNum and T1.TrnId = @TrnId     

                    Select  @NextNo = T1.NextNo + 1, 
                            @DocNo = ISNULL(T1.Prefix, '') + 
                                        Substring(Cast(Year(T0.DocDate) as VARCHAR(4)),3,2) + REPLICATE('0', T1.NumLen-LEN(CAST(@NextNo as VARCHAR(5))))+CAST(@NextNo as VARCHAR(5)) +
                                        ISNULL(T1.Suffix, '')
                    From    @Dt T0  Inner Join DocNum1 T1 ON T0.DocId = T1.DocId
                    Update  DocNum1 
                    SET     NextNo = @NextNo 
                    From    DocNum1 T0  Inner Join @Dt T1 ON T0.DocID = T1.DocID 
                    IF (@@ERROR <> 0) RETURN @@ERROR

                    Update  TrnBRS SET DocNo = @DocNo Where TrnId = @TrnId
                    IF (@@ERROR <> 0) RETURN @@ERROR

                        COMMIT TRANSACTION;
                        Select 0 RetVal, @TrnId TrnId, 'Transaction Reversed...' ErrMsg, 0 ErrType;
                END TRY
                BEGIN CATCH
                        ROLLBACK TRANSACTION
                        SELECT  -1 RetVal, @TrnId TrnId, ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrMsg, 1 ErrType
                END CATCH

I had tried to convert the ddMMyyyy format(103) using the convert statement SELECT CONVERT(DATE, T1.BankDt, 103) instead of T1.BankDt(which is the datetime field we are trying to manipulate) but didn't succeed. It still throws error saying conversion failed for dates above 12 as it expects dates in MMddyyyy format


Thank You all for the supports... I had find the issue at last, the real issue was in another stored procedure which is used to populate the initial value in which the BankDt field was populated with '' empty string so that the field is treated as character string instead of date field. I had changed '' BankDt to Convert(Date,null,103) BankDt ... Now everything works fine


  • the real issue was in another stored procedure which is used to populate the initial value in which the BankDt field was populated with '' empty string so that the field is treated as character string instead of date field. I had changed

    '' BankDt


    Convert(Date,null,103) BankDt

    ... Now everything works fine