Hi I am trying to write an apple script to rotate displays in macOS 12.3
I have reviewed the below however apple has changed the display menu
I am having trouble selecting the cell menu item for an external display
I have tried using Accessibility Inspector, but I don't know enough to get it to work
if running of application "System Preferences" then
quit application "System Preferences"
delay 1
end if
tell application "System Preferences"
reveal anchor "displaysDisplayTab" of pane id "com.apple.preference.displays"
delay 1
tell application "System Events"
tell process "System Preferences"
tell window 1
click button "Display Settings…"
tell cell of outline row of outline 1 of scroll area 1 of sheet 1 of window 1
set selected to false
end tell
--tell pop up button "Rotation:" of tab group 1 of (first window whose name is "LG HDR 4K") of application process "System Preferences"
-- if (value) contains "Standard" then
-- click
-- click menu item "90°" of menu 1
-- my clickConfirmButton()
-- else
-- click
-- click menu item "Standard" of menu 1
-- end if
-- end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
courtesy of oluckyman's comment on this gist
tell sheet 1
select row 2 of outline 1 of scroll area 1 -- the row with external monitor
tell pop up button "Rotation:"
set theRotation to value of it
tell menu "Rotation:"
if theRotation = "Standard" then
click menu item "90°" -- your preferred rotation
click menu item "Standard"
end if
end tell
end tell
delay 1
if exists of button "Confirm" of sheet 1 then
click button "Confirm" of sheet 1
end if
click button "Done"
end tell