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R - Adding calculated columns to a table using existing names of a numeric vector and existing data

Hi I've got a table (data1) and a numeric vector(quantile) and trying to append calculated columns using the existing data (data1) and the vector(quantile).

such that:

newcol_20% = col1 + col2 + 20%,
newcol_50% = col2 + col3 + 50%, 
newcol_70% = col3 + col4 + 70%

data1 and quantile and the desired output (out) are as below

ID       col1    col2   col3    col4
ABC124     10      15      6      15
ABC445      8       8     25      34
ABC550     10      15      5      12
ZZZ980     12      21     26      11
ZZZ999     22      19     11       8

> quantile
20%   50%   70%
 10    21    35

> out
ID       col1    col2   col3    col4   newcol_20%  newcol_50%  newcol_70%
ABC124     10      15      6      15           35          42          56
ABC445      8       8     25      34           26          54          94
ABC550     10      15      5      12           35          41          52
ZZZ980     12      21     26      11           43          68          72
ZZZ999     22      19     11       8           51          51          54

How could I perform above using base R? Any help, suggestions would be appreciated, thanks!


  • In base R you may use transform.

    qs <- c(10, 21, 35)
    dat <- transform(dat,
                     newcol_20=col1 + col2 + qs[1],
                     newcol_50=col2 + col3 + qs[2],
                     newcol_70=col3 + col4 + qs[3])
    #       ID col1 col2 col3 col4 newcol_20 newcol_50 newcol_70
    # 1 ABC124   10   15    6   15        35        42        56
    # 2 ABC445    8    8   25   34        26        54        94
    # 3 ABC550   10   15    5   12        35        41        52
    # 4 ZZZ980   12   21   26   11        43        68        72
    # 5 ZZZ999   22   19   11    8        51        51        54

    PS: Avoid special characters in names, check ?make.names to quickly learn about the rules of valid names.

    dat <- structure(list(ID = c("ABC124", "ABC445", "ABC550", "ZZZ980", 
    "ZZZ999"), col1 = c(10L, 8L, 10L, 12L, 22L), col2 = c(15L, 8L, 
    15L, 21L, 19L), col3 = c(6L, 25L, 5L, 26L, 11L), col4 = c(15L, 
    34L, 12L, 11L, 8L)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 