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How do I Escape Foreign Characters using Regex or StringBuilder?

I have the following method to clean up strings:

public static String UseStringBuilderWithHashSet(string strIn)
        var hashSet = new HashSet<char>("?&^$#@!()+-,:;<>’\'-_*");
        // specify capacity of StringBuilder to avoid resizing
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(strIn.Length);
        foreach (char x in strIn.Where(c => !hashSet.Contains(c)))
        return sb.ToString();

However, strings such as [MV] REOL ちるちる ChiruChiru or [MV] REOL ヒビカセ Hibikase do not get cleaned up.

How can I modify my method so it can turn one of the above strings into for example: [MV] REOL ChiruChiru


  • You're trying to solve this exhaustively by filtering out everything you don't want. This is not optimal as their are 100,000+ possible characters.

    You may find better results if you only accept what you do want.

    public static string CleanInput(string input)
        //a-zA-Z allows any English alphabet character upper or lower case
        //\[ and \] allows []
        //\s allows whitespace
        var regex = new Regex(@"[a-zA-Z\[\]\s]");
        var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(input.Length);
        foreach(char c in input){
        string output = stringBuilder.ToString();
        //\s+ will match on any duplicate spaces and replace it with
        //a single space.
        return Regex.Replace(output , @"\s+", " ");