This is my code for the gmail smtp server.
def verify_email(self, user_email, sending_email, password):
port = 465
self.sending_mail = sending_email
self.password = password
if (re.fullmatch(regex, user_email)):
self.user_email = user_email
raise Exception("Sorry, your email is invalid.")
self.email_msg = f"""
Subject: Verify Email
Is this you, {self.username}?
Please enter the code below to verify:
context = ssl.create_default_context()
with smtplib.SMTP_SSL("", port, context=context) as server:
server.login(self.sending_mail, self.password)
server.sendmail(self.sending_mail, self.user_email, self.email_msg)
print("An error has happened. Please check the spelling of your email, "
"or try again. 🙂")
How can I use the 10 minute mail SMTP server?
I used Google but I didn't understand any of it. When I used Gmail I got this error:
raise SMTPAuthenticationError(code, resp)
smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError: (535, b'5.7.8 Username and Password not accepted. Learn more at\n5.7.8 g15-20020a056a0023cf00b004e17e11cb17sm9404507pfc.111 - gsmtp')
So I decided to use 10minute mail. In my gmail account, I can't change the settings to allow Less Secure Apps.
Gmail recently announced that they wouldn't allow unsecure connections like SMTP on May 30th of 2022.
Using SMTP through gmail requires that you enable the setting "Allow less secure apps" in account settings to be able to connect.
I'd try something like Yahoo, or Outlook, or another email provider that allows SMTP. Look up their server information, and what security privilege's you need to enable for the connection to happen for which provider you choose.
I'm not familiar with 10 Minute Mail, but just wanted to give that insight to Gmail's SMTP server. Hopefully someone else can help you set it up through 10 minute mail.