I'm trying to get my GUI to have 2 "parts" (one left and one right), and naturally, adding elements to the layout just expands it vertically, so I tried doing a "left_part" layout and a "right_part" layout, then merge them with a Horizontal Separator padding, but it gives me something entirely different.
Ideally, I would want something like this (maybe with a thin line in between too):
This is the code:
import PySimpleGUI as sg
left_part = [
[sg.Text("Pick your favorite fruit")],
[sg.Input(size=(25, 1), key="path")],
[sg.FileBrowse(key="fav"), sg.Button("Submit")],
[sg.Text("Pick your favorite number")],
[sg.Input(key="num", size=(10,10))],
right_part = [
[sg.Text("Pick your favorite animal")],
[sg.Button("Show image of animal")],
layout = [
window = sg.Window("Favorites", layout)
while True:
event, values = window.read()
if event == "Exit" or event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
The layout in following form left
, separator
and right
vertically or in rows.
layout = [
Should be like this
layout = [
[element1, sg.HSeparator(pad=(500,0)), element2],
Since the element1 and element2 are for another complex layout, use Frame or Column element.
For horizontal layout, Instead of HSeparator
, VSeparator
will be used here.
For elements in Column vertical aligned top, so option vertical_alignment='top'
So the layout
in your code maybe like this,
layout = [
[sg.Column(left_part, vertical_alignment='top'), sg.VSeparator(), sg.Column(right_part, vertical_alignment='top')],