In my shinydashboard app I want to give the user the option to filter a data frame by alternative attributes. My data frame has an "ID" column and a "Name" column in a 1:1 relation. With two selectizeInputs the user can filter eather by the one or the other.
What I want achieve now is updating the other selectizeInput when selecting items in one of them. So both selectizeInputs show the corresponding items of the data frame. I managed to solve this, as long as I restrict the selection to a single item, but not with a multiple selection.
The following minimum code is the closest I could get so far, but it does not allow multiple selection. Obviousely due to a kind of deadlock situation where the first item selected causes the other seletizeInput to filter the same element which automatically updates the first selectizeInput again to this single item.
ui <- dashboardPage(
dashboardHeader(title = 'Test alternative select') ,
sidebar <- dashboardSidebar(
selectizeInput(inputId = 'id' ,
label = 'ID' ,
choices = NULL ,
selected = NULL ,
multiple = TRUE ,
options = list(plugins = list('remove_button'))) ,
selectizeInput(inputId = 'name' ,
label = 'Name' ,
choices = NULL ,
selected = NULL ,
multiple = TRUE ,
options = list(plugins = list('remove_button')))
))) ,
server <- function(input, output , session) {
data <- tribble(
~ID , ~Name ,
'1' , 'France' ,
'2' , 'Italy' ,
'3' , 'Germany' ,
'4' , 'Spain' ,
'5' , 'Portugal'
if (is.null(input$id)) {
updateSelectizeInput(session = session ,
inputId = 'name' ,
choices = data$Name ,
options = list(plugins= list('remove_button')))
} else {
choices <- data %>%
filter(ID %in% input$id) %>%
updateSelectizeInput(session = session ,
inputId = 'name' ,
choices = choices ,
selected = choices ,
options = list(plugins= list('remove_button')))
if (is.null(input$name)) {
updateSelectizeInput(session = session ,
inputId = 'id' ,
choices = data$ID ,
options = list(plugins= list('remove_button')))
} else {
choices <- data %>%
filter(Name %in% input$name) %>%
updateSelectizeInput(session = session ,
inputId = 'id' ,
choices = choices ,
selected = choices ,
options = list(plugins= list('remove_button')))
shinyApp(ui, server)
I'm not sure if this can be solved this way at all, but if "yes", I probably have to use "isolate" somehow. But I can't figure it out.
Perhaps you are looking for this
server <- function(input, output , session) {
data <- tribble(
~ID , ~Name ,
'1' , 'France' ,
'2' , 'Italy' ,
'3' , 'Germany' ,
'4' , 'Spain' ,
'5' , 'Portugal'
observeEvent(input$id, {
if (is.null(input$id)) {
updateSelectizeInput(session , 'name' , choices = data$Name , selected = NULL)
} else{
sel <- data %>% filter(ID %in% input$id) %>% pull('Name')
updateSelectizeInput(session , 'name' , selected = isolate(sel))
}, ignoreNULL = FALSE)
observeEvent(input$name, {
if (is.null(input$name)) {
updateSelectizeInput(session , 'id' , choices = data$ID , selected = NULL)
} else {
sel <- data %>% filter(Name %in% input$name) %>% pull('ID')
updateSelectizeInput(session , 'id' , selected =isolate(sel))
}, ignoreNULL = FALSE)