I'm new in Mockito and I'm facing an issue regarding a stubbing argument mismatch.
so far I thought this would works fine since in my implementation jmsTemplate is a depedency of jmsTemplateService and everything is injected via @Mock and @InjectMocks
and theoretically I'm mocking the execution of the invoked dependent method
convertAndSend(String destinationName, final Object message, final MessagePostProcessor postProcessor)
main part of test
Message message = Mockito.mock(Message.class);
MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor = (x) -> message;
.convertAndSend(queue, obj, messagePostProcessor);
jmsTemplateService.sendMessage(queue, obj);
but mockito throws a stubbing argument mismatch error which actually made me understand I'm not stubbing correctly.
- this invocation of 'convertAndSend' method:
-> at com.example.JmsTemplateService.sendMessage(JmsTemplateService.java:64)
- has following stubbing(s) with different arguments:
1. jmsTemplate.convertAndSend(
it seems the last parameter is the actual problem but I don't know how to capture it without mocking the jmsTemplate dependencies too.
this is the current implementation of the JmsTemplateService.sendMessage(String queue, Obj obj)
public void sendMessage(String queue, Object obj) {
try {
jmsTemplate.convertAndSend(queue, obj, message -> {
//do stuffs before sending the message
}catch (Exception e) {
//handle exception
any hint of what could be wrong in mocking the convertAndSend method?
Thank you very much for the help!
it seems the last parameter is the actual problem but I don't know how to capture it without mocking the jmsTemplate dependencies too.
Actually, you are mocking jmsTemplate
, otherwise it'd throw an exception because jmsTemplate
variable is not a mock.
.when(jmsTemplate) <- a mock is expected to be used here
.convertAndSend(queue, obj, messagePostProcessor);
You're right that the last parameter is the actual problem since different instances are being used.
The first instance is defined by your lambda in the test:
MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessor = (x) -> message;
And the second one is defined with the other lambda when you perform the call to jmsTemplate.convertAndSend(..., ..., message -> {...})
Posibly you're getting that error because you're verifying that the jmsTemplate.convertAndSend(...)
was called with the params you defined in the tests.
Something like:
verify(jmsTemplate).convertAndSend(queue, obj, messagePostProcessor);
What you can do is expect any()
as a 3rd argument in that verify, and expect something like ArgumentsMatchers.eq(queue)
and ArgumentsMatchers.eq(obj)
as other arguments:
verify(jmsTemplate).convertAndSend(ArgumentsMatchers.eq(queue), ArgumentsMatchers.eq(obj), any());
class JmsTemplateServiceTest {
private JmsTemplate jmsTemplate;
private Message message;
private ArgumentCaptor<String> queueCaptor;
private ArgumentCaptor<String> messageCaptor;
private ArgumentCaptor<MessagePostProcessor> messagePostProcessorArgumentCaptor;
void setUp() {
void testJmsTemplateWorksWithCorrectMessagePostProcessor() throws JMSException {
// Given
String destinationQueue = "test-queue";
String testMessage = "test message";
// When
doNothing().when(jmsTemplate).convertAndSend(destinationQueue, testMessage, message -> message);
// Inline dummy implementation that adds an element to a list defined in this test scope
List<String> stateCustomDependency = new ArrayList<>();
CustomDependency customDependency = () -> stateCustomDependency.add("Got executed!");
// Performs service call
JmsTemplateService jmsTemplateService = new JmsTemplateService(jmsTemplate, customDependency);
jmsTemplateService.sendMessage(destinationQueue, testMessage);
// Then verify the service actually invokes the jmsTemplate and capture the arguments passed to it
verify(jmsTemplate).convertAndSend(queueCaptor.capture(), messageCaptor.capture(), messagePostProcessorArgumentCaptor.capture());
// Verify values of queue and message
assertEquals(destinationQueue, queueCaptor.getValue());
assertEquals(testMessage, messageCaptor.getValue());
// Verify the MessagePostProcessor instantiated inside the service invokes the lambda dependencies
MessagePostProcessor messagePostProcessorToVerify = messagePostProcessorArgumentCaptor.getValue();
assertEquals(1, stateCustomDependency.size()); // Ensure the CustomDependency was invoked
assertEquals("Got executed!", stateCustomDependency.get(0)); // Ensure the right String was added by CustomDependency
In case you also need to call some method on Message object, you'll have to add statements like when(message.someMethod(...)).thenReturn(...)
I hope it helps!