Is there a way for rendering a point in a scatter plot as an image in Live Charts for WPF? I can change the shape of it with PointGeometry. There are some DefaultGeometries as Circle, Triangle etc. But what about an image? For example logo of a sports team in plotting some sport stats.
I have found a solution:
In view model:
private VisualElementsCollection visuals = new VisualElementsCollection();
public VisualElementsCollection Visuals
get { return visuals; }
visuals = value;
Visuals.Add(new VisualElement
X = 1.5,
Y = 2.8,
HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center,
VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center,
UIElement = new Image
Source = logo,
MaxWidth = 50,
MaxHeight = 50
In view:
<lvc:CartesianChart LegendLocation="Bottom" Series="{Binding ScatterSeries}" VisualElements="{Binding Visuals}" Hoverable="False" Width="750" Height="750">