It is probably really easy to solve, but I am struggling with it a lot.
I am connected to API using RestSharp - everything is working fine, but I do not know how to pass parameters to a method 'couse they are in a weird format (at least for me, I am newbie :)).
Te method's parameter should look like that:
"order_id": 123456 - API documentation
My testing code:
using RestSharp;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
var client = new RestClient("");
string token = "********************";
RestRequest request = new RestRequest();
var parameter = ;
request.AddParameter("token", token);
request.AddParameter("method", "getOrders");
request.AddParameter("parameters", "order_id": 123456);
var response = await client.PostAsync(request);
Of course this line is getting error 'cause VS is expecting ','
request.AddParameter("parameters", "order_id": 123456);
EDIT: Passing parameter as a string also doesn't work:
request.AddParameter("parameters", @"""order_id"": 123456");
What is the proper way to do it? Thanks for help ;)
is it what you want?
"order_id": 123456
}); // AddJsonBody serializes the object automatically
or another way to write:
"{ \"order_id\": 123456 }", // <- your JSON string