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add labels to gt table with for loop over column names

I have the following data table .


df <- tibble(
      `model 2000` = c("a", "b"), 
      `car 2022` = c("f", "d")

I would like to loop over a vector of column names and perform a string replace, then append this to the gt table

my_cols <- colnames(df)  

for(i in my_cols){
   df <- df %>%
                    gt() %>%
                              i = str_trim(str_remove(i, "2020|2021|2022"))


I want to be able to change the names after the GT table is created using this for loop but when the loop passes the values in my_cols, they aren't recognized... any help?

Here is the error:

Error: All column names provided must exist in the input `.data` table. 


  • One way to do this is to eschew looping and pass a named vector and splice it inside cols_labels():

    my_cols <- setNames(str_trim(str_remove(names(df), "2020|2021|2022")), names(df))   
    df %>%
        gt() %>%

    If for some reason you must use a loop, you need to create the gt() object outside of the loop, otherwise after the first iteration you're passing an object that is already class gt_tbl to the gt() function which causes an error. You also need to use the Walrus operator := instead of = and the LHS needs to be a symbol or a glue string.

    my_cols <- names(df) 
    df <- df %>%
    for(i in my_cols) {
      df <-  df %>%
        cols_label("{i}" := str_trim(str_remove(i, "2020|2021|2022"))) # or !!sym(i) := ...

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