This is a question about traversing mutually recursive data types. I am modeling ASTs for a bunch of mutually recursive datatypes using Indexed Functor as described in this gist here. This works well enough for my intended purposes.
Now I need to transform my data structure with data flowing top-down. here is an SoF question asked in the context of Functor where it's shown that the carrier of the algebra can be a function that allows one to push data down during traversal. However, I am struggling to use this technique with Indexed Functor. I think my data type needs to be altered but I am not sure how.
Here is some code that illustrates my problem. Please note, that I am not including mutually recursive types or multiple indexes as I don't need them to illustrate the issue.
setDepth should change every (IntF n) to (IntF depth). The function as written won't type check because kind ‘AstIdx -> *’ doesn't match ‘Int -> Expr ix’. Maybe I am missing something but I don't see a way to get around this without relaxing the kind of f to be less restrictive in IxFunctor but that seems wrong.
Any thoughts, suggestions or pointers welcome!
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
infixr 5 ~>
type f ~> g = forall i. f i -> g i
class IxFunctor (f :: (k -> *) -> k -> *) where
imap :: (a ~> b) -> (f a ~> f b)
-- Indexed Fix
newtype IxFix f ix = IxIn {ixout :: f (IxFix f) ix}
-- Fold
icata :: IxFunctor f => (f a ~> a) -> (IxFix f ~> a)
icata phi = phi . imap (icata phi) . ixout
-- Kinds of Ast
data AstIdx = ExprAst | TypeAst
-- AST
data ExprF (f :: AstIdx -> *) (ix :: AstIdx) where
IntF :: Int -> ExprF f ExprAst
AddF :: f ExprAst -> f ExprAst -> ExprF f ExprAst
type Expr = IxFix ExprF
instance IxFunctor ExprF where
imap f (IntF n) = IntF n
imap f (AddF a b) = AddF (f a) (f b)
-- Change (IntF n) to (IntF (n + 1)).
add1 :: Expr ix -> Expr ix
add1 e = icata go e
go :: ExprF Expr ix -> Expr ix
go (IntF n) = IxIn (IntF (n + 1))
go (AddF a b) = IxIn (AddF a b)
-- Change (IntF n) to (IntF depth)
-- Doesn't type check
setDepth :: Expr ix -> Expr ix
setDepth e = icata ((flip go) 0) e
-- byDepthF :: TreeF a (Integer -> Tree Integer) -> Integer -> Tree Integer
-- byDepthF :: TreeF a (Integer -> Tree Integer) -> Integer -> Tree Integer ix
go :: ExprF (Int -> Expr ix) ix -> Int -> Expr ix
go (IntF n) d = IxIn (IntF d)
go (AddF a b) d = IxIn (AddF (a d) (b d))
I'm assuming here that you're trying to set each IntF
node to its depth within the tree (like the byDepthF
function from the linked question) rather than to some fixed integer argument named depth
If so, I think you're probably looking for something like the following:
newtype IntExpr ix = IntExpr { runIntExpr :: Int -> Expr ix }
setDepth :: Expr ix -> Expr ix
setDepth e = runIntExpr (icata go e) 0
go :: ExprF IntExpr ix -> IntExpr ix
go (IntF n) = IntExpr (\d -> IxIn (IntF d))
go (AddF a b) = IntExpr (\d -> IxIn (AddF (runIntExpr a (d+1)) (runIntExpr b (d+1)))
That is, you need to define a newtype
that serves as the indexed first type parameter to ExprF
, passing the index through the Int ->
reader. The rest is just wrapping and unwrapping.