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Each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop. Check render method

Hi so I am pretty new to programming and I got kinda stuck with a problem. I've built an interface with array of objects and with property 'id'. I used it (id: property) as my Unique key but it gives me an error. Thats's the interface

export interface IState {
  meetupsy: {
      id: number

and that's a List component

import classes from './MeetupList.module.css'
import { IState as Props } from '../../App'
import Card from '../ui/Card'

interface IProps {
    meetups: Props['meetupsy']

const MeetupList: React.FC<IProps> = ({meetups}) => {

    const renderList = ():JSX.Element[] => {
        return => {
            return <Card>
                <li key={} className={classes.list}>
                    <div className={classes.image} />

    return (
        <ul className={classes.render}>

export default MeetupList;

I am really puzzled it says "Check the render method of MeetupList"


  • This question was answered multiple times.

    Each of the elements you are iterating through must have a key property that must be put in the outermost element and must be unique.

    const renderList = (): JSX.Element[] => => (
        <Card key={}>