This is the document I have right now:
_id: ObjectId("62464e3e75c6d843a338993b"),
Name: 'The Team',
Members: [
{ User: Long("699724278526580847"), Rank: 3 },
{ User: Long("937398909418999808"), Rank: 4 },
{ User: Long("829765893287562113"), Rank: 1 },
{ User: Long("090119389582045756"), Rank: 1 },
{ User: Long("772474927459011034"), Rank: 1 },
I want to get the "Rank" Value of a user which is chosen through an input, for this example let's say the person executing the command chose the user with the ID "699724278526580847", how would I query and get just the rank of that user returned? Is it possible in pymongo to just get the integer value of that user's rank?
Maybe something like this in mongo that you can convert easily to python:
$match: {
Name: "The Team" , "Members.User": NumberLong("699724278526580847")
"$addFields": {
"Members": {
"$filter": {
"input": "$Members",
"as": "m",
"cond": {
$eq: [
$unwind: "$Members"
"$project": {
Rank: "$Members.Rank",
_id: 0