While working with Frama-Clang, I ran into a problem. The following code shows the problem broken down to the minimum:
const long long value = -1;
int main(){
return 0;
Running the Frama-C (Frama-Clang) analysis leads to the following output.
> frama-c invalid_integer.cpp
[kernel] Parsing invalid_integer.cpp (external front-end)
Now output intermediate result
[kernel] invalid_integer.cpp:3: Failure: Invalid integer constant: -1
[kernel] User Error: stopping on file "invalid_integer.cpp" that has errors.
[kernel] Frama-C aborted: invalid user input.
There are several ways to work around this error.
Where could this error come from and can it be solved?
The error comes from a miscommunication between Frama-Clang and the Frama-C kernel itsef. Specifically, in the case of initializers of global integer variables, Frama-Clang neglects to convert a negative constant into the application of unary minus to a positive integer, which is what the kernel is expecting at this point. I've taken the liberty to open an issue on Frama-Clang's BTS.