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When does a thread in Spring ThreadPoolTaskExecutor queue get into running state?

I am using core pool size of 3 and queue size of 50 and max pool size of 500.

Suppose core pool and queue has threads as following

core pool = [A, B, C] queue = [D, E, F]

Will the thread D execute only after one of the treads in core pool finishes execution? or

Can a running thread say B in core pool go in waiting state and thread D gets pulled into core pool?


  • One of A,B, or C tasks has to finish before the pool can start another task. Each task runs to completion or until canceled, going into a wait state doesn't free up the worker thread.

    Here is the openjdk code for the ThreadPoolExecutor: There is a runWorker method that gets the next task and calls run on it (line 1141).