Here's the question in more detail. Say, you have an event handler
const eventHandy = (e) =>{
//do stuff;
Within eventHandy, you run a querySelector on
const eventHandy = (e) =>{"div");
The question is does this querySelector do a query on the DOM or the event object
For context, and without getting too much into details; we have a react app. We are doing some stuff with accessibility and focus. Part of our code is finding focusable elements. On one side of the debate, doing DOM queries inside of a React app is an anti-pattern, and therefore should be avoided at all cost. On the other side, there are times when DOM queries are necessary and shouldn't be discounted. However, there is a portion of code that gets an event object and runs querySelectorAll.. This is a sticking point for some of our developers.
querySelector does a query on the event object and will find all elements within the target, not on the parent document.