for i in range(len(primo)):
reversed_num = 0
while i > 0:
digit = i % 10
reversed_num = reversed_num * 10 + digit
i //= 10
reversed.append (reversed_num)
for r in range(len(reversed)):
print (r)
I'm writing a program to reverse a series of numbers from a list. For example:
Input: 1234,124,654
Output: 4321,421,456
The script works correctly with one number, but with a list it doesn't work properly.
EDIT: ......................................
This is the working whole code.
#program to find the multiple of the first number that summed to its reverse creates a number divisible for the second number chosen. Results are shown up to five digits.
import sys
def main():
x = 0
y = 0
k = 0
z = 0
print ("Hello! Let's compare some numbers!\nPress input to continue")
print ("Insert the first number")
x = input()
print ("Insert the second number")
y = input()
primo = []
secondo = []
#list multiples
while k < 99999:
k = int(k) + int(x)
print (k)
primo.append (k)
while z < 99999:
z = int(z) + int(y)
secondo.append (z)
print("The numbers have been calculated! Press to proceed")
#reverse all numbers of the first list
def myReverser(n: float) -> float:
return float(''.join(list(reversed(str(n)))))
reversedList = [myReverser(i) for i in primo]
reversedList = [int(i) for i in reversedList]
#sum the multiple of the first number and its reversed and search common values in res and secondo
res = [
for x, y in zip(primo, reversedList)
if (x + y) in secondo
if len(res) == 0:
print ("No results found")
print ("The numbers are: ", res)
print ()
print ("Thank you for using my program!")
print ()
choice = input ("Would you try with another number? [Y/N] ").capitalize()
if choice == "Y":
if choice == "N":
#no copyright intended. This code is open-source. Feel free to use it in other projects.
The script can compare the two given numbers to find the multiple of the first number that summed to its reverse creates a number divisible for the second number chosen. Results are shown up to five digits.
Nice try, but what about a function that reverses the numbers? You should be happy to know that reversed
already exists in Python, and you can use it this way:
>>> list(reversed(str(0.1223142131)))
['1', '3', '1', '2', '4', '1', '3', '2', '2', '1', '.', '0']
>>> float(''.join(reversed(str(0.1223142131))))
so you can implement your own function:
def myReverser(n: float) -> float:
return float(''.join(reversed(str(n))))
and then use it over the whole list
reversedList = [myReverser(i) for i in [1234, 124, 654]]
If you don't want the .0
at the end of all the numbers, this means that you don't want floating point numbers, but int
egers, so you can just do this:
reversedList = [int(i) for i in reversedList]