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How do I get superscript in tinytex data.table()

I am printing tables - in PDFs - by using data.table(). In these tables, I want some texts with superscript. I've tried a couples of things, but I only find solutions which are using kable() or tibble() - but I really want to use data.table() or solutions which are using expression() - which I cannot get working in PDFs.

Here is some simple example code.


some_table <- data.table(
    element = c('Some text with <1> in superscript at the end',
                'Some more text')

Thank you in advance!


  • You can use sup for superscript and sub for subscript. Maybe you want something like this:

    some_table <- datatable(
      data.frame(c(1, 2), 
                 row.names = c("Some text with A<sup>1</sup>", "Some more text")), rownames = T, escape = FALSE)


    enter image description here

    Not supported with data.table

    It seems like that superscripts expressions are not supported with the data.table package. You get the following error when trying:

    Error in `[.data.table`(x, i, , ) : Internal error: column type 'expression' not supported by data.table subset. All known types are supported so please report as bug.

    When using this code:

        my_string <- "'title'^2"
        my_title <- parse(text=my_string)
        some_table <- data.table(
            element = c('Some text with', my_title, 'in superscript at the end',
                        'Some more text')
    It seems currently not available for `data.table`.