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Hashicorp Vault Required Provider Configuration in Terraform

My GitLab CI pipeline terraform configuration requires a couple of required_provider blocks to be declared. These are "hashicorp/azuread" and "hashicorp/vault" and so in my file, I have given the below declaration:

terraform {
    required_providers {
         azuread = {
                    source  = "hashicorp/azuread"
                    version = "~> 2.0.0"
         vault = {
                    source = "hashicorp/vault"
                    version = "~> 3.0.0"

When my GitLab pipeline runs the terraform plan stage however, it throws the following error:

Error: Invalid provider configuration

Provider "" requires explicit configuraton. 
Add a provider block to the root module and configure the providers required 
arguments as described in the provider documentation.

I realise my required provider block for hashicorp/vault is incomplete/not properly configured but despite all my efforts to find an example of how it should be configured, I have simply run into a brick wall.

Any help with a very basic example would be greatly appreciated.


  • It depends on the version of Terraform you are using. However, for each provider there is (in the top right corner) a Use Provider button which explains how to add the required blocks of code to your files.

    enter image description here

    Each provider has some additional configuration parameters which could be added and some are required.

    So based on the error, I think you are missing the second part of the configuration:

    provider "vault" {
     # Configuration options

    There is also an explanation on how to upgrade to version 3.0 of the provider. You might also want to take a look at Hashicorp Learn examples and Github repo with example code.