I have problem with putting null safety into child vars since there are many. I just want to set it to the parent. I already did it but is there any shortcut where we can just put into parent variable then we do not need to loop for the children vars
return ListView.separated(
itemBuilder: (context, index){
final DataAd object = snapshot.data![index]; => Here is the parent
final images = object.images!['images']; => I dont want to repeat here
if(object!=null) {
return Card(
child: Column(
children: [
Text(object.title!), => this one
Image(image: NetworkImage('${globals.domain}${object.dir}/${images![0]}')), => and this one for example
return CallLoading();
separatorBuilder: (context,index) => Divider(),
itemCount: snapshot.data!.length,
I am new into flutter, I really appreciate any given answer. Thank you.
Just add a guard to your function and Dart compiler will see that value can't be null
void foo(String? data) {
String _data;
if (data == null) return; // The guard.
_data = data; // Will not ask for null check because it cannot be null.
// Without guard:
void foo(String? data) {
String _data;
//if (data == null) return;
_data = data; // Error: A value of type ‘String?’ can’t be assigned to a variable of type ‘String’.
// With default value.
void foo(String? data) {
String _data = data ?? 'Empty'; // <- Convert to non nullable.
// Do what you want with _data