I am wondering how to deploy storage accounts in Azure via PowerShell using the classical deployment model and NOT ARM deployment.
I know we can use New-AzStorageAccount but I think it uses ARM.
You are correct that New-AzStorageAccount
uses ARM. You can create a classic storage account using a really old version of Azure PowerShell Cmdlets that support classic deployment model.
Another way to create a classic storage account is to use New-AzResource
Cmdlet. I used the following script to create a classic storage account:
$location = "West US" #Location of the storage account
$name = "mystorageaccount" #Name of the storage account
$accountType = "Standard_RAGRS" #Account type (RAGRS, LRS, GRS etc.)
$resourceType = "Microsoft.ClassicStorage/storageAccounts" #Storage account resource type
$resourceGroupName = "myresourcegroup" #Resource group name
New-AzResource -Location $location -Properties @{AccountType=$accountType} -ResourceName $name -ResourceType $resourceType -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Force -Verbose