Is it possible to include the latest git tag in the Build.BuildNumber variable? You can read the latest git tag with git describe --abbrev=0
and assign it to a new variable. But can I use it in the build numbe's definiton then?
Your command to get latest tag failed for me. I believe it is because in cases when you do not have a tag assigned on the latest commit you get an error.
You can use instead to get the latest tag.
$tags = git tag | sort -V
Given that you have the latest tag, you can then update build number with the following power shell.
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: update build number
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
$tags = git tag | sort -V
Write-Host latest tag is:$tags[0]
Write-Host "Updating buildnumber..."
$buildnumber = -join($tags[0],"_","$(Build.BuildNumber)")
Write-Host "##vso[build.updatebuildnumber]$buildnumber"