I'm new to dart and reading about dart operators
. In the book fluter in Action
by Eric Windmill (Chapter 2, 2.24, page 34) the auther says:
is and is! verify that two objects are of the same type. They are equivalent to == and !=.
Trying to implement this as shown in the code below
void main() {
int a = 7;
int b = 2;
bool z = a == b; // It works when I use the equals symbol
print('Result: $z');
But when I use the ```is`` keyword, I get an error
void main() {
int a = 7;
int b = 2;
bool z = a is b; // It doesn't work here
print('Result: $z');
The name 'b' isn't a type and can't be used in an 'is' expression.
Try correcting the name to match an existing type.
Not sure what the context of that statement is but is
and is!
is not the same as ==
and !=
in the sense that they does the same. I guess what the want to explain, is that the opposite of is
is is!
like the opposite of ==
is !=
is used to check if two objects are equal (based on what this object at left side defines to be equal). So for int
we return true
when using ==
if both numbers have the same numeric value.
The is
operator is used to test if a given object does implement a given interface. An example:
void main() {
Object myList = <int>[];
if (myList is List<int>) {
print('We have a list of numbers.');
The error you are getting are telling you that for using is
you need to provide an actual type at the right side of the is
and not an object instance.