here is the collection and query code. Now i want to do two things.
i) sort reportTypes
array objects by counts
in descending order then,
ii) sort the collection by total no. of counts in reportTypes
array in descending order.
iii) then group by managerId
i want resultant doc to like this.
"_id": ObjectId("62441917d12596f96de163a3"),
"managerId": 2,
"reportTypes": [
"reasonId": 100,
"count": 20
"_id": ObjectId("62441917d12596f96de163a5"),
"managerId": 3,
"reportTypes": [
"reasonId": 200,
"count": 10
"reasonId": 100,
"count": 5
"reasonId": 300,
"count": 0
"_id": ObjectId("62441917d12596f96de163a2"),
"managerId": 1,
"reportTypes": [
"reasonId": 300,
"count": 4
"reasonId": 200,
"count": 3
"reasonId": 100,
"count": 2
Maybe something like this:
$unwind: "$reportTypes"
$sort: {
"managerId": 1,
"reportTypes.count": -1
$group: {
_id: "$managerId",
reportTypes: {
$push: "$reportTypes"
cnt: {
$sum: "$reportTypes.count"
$addFields: {
managerId: "$_id"
$sort: {
cnt: -1
$project: {
managerId: 1,
reportTypes: 1