Was Iterating inside array and imposing Run Keyword If
Run Keyword If "${text}" == "CPNUMBER *******" Append To List ${textList} CP
... Else If "${text}" == "FNAME **** ****" Append To List ${textList} FNAME TONY STARK
And the output was
['Create List', 'FNAME **** ****', 'CPNUMBER 1111111', 'Else If', '"${text}" == "FNAME **** ****"', 'Append To List', [...], 'FNAME TONY STARK']
The first two array are correct however the whole else if validation is appended on my list. How can I Filter these names and append to my list.
Im using RBF 3.1+
Else If
should be in uppercase. In this case, the whole Else If "${text}" == "FNAME **** ****" Append To List ${textList} FNAME TONY STARK
is considered as *values
, so it is executed as Append To List ${textList} CP Else If "${text}" == "FNAME **** ****" Append To List ${textList} FNAME TONY STARK
. Refer to Run Keyword If to see how to do else if.
You should try
Run Keyword If "${text}" == "CPNUMBER *******" Append To List ${textList} CP
... ELSE IF "${text}" == "FNAME **** ****" Append To List ${textList} FNAME TONY STARK