I implemented a RAMDisk into my C# application, and everything is going great, except I need to back up the contents regularly due to it being volatile. I have been battling with AlphaVSS for Shadow Copy backups for a week, then someone informed me that VSS does not work on a RAMDisk.
The contents that are located on the RAMDisk (world files for Minecraft) are very small, but there can be hundreds of them. The majority of them are .dat files only a few hundred bytes in size, and there is other files that are 2-8MB each.
I posted about this yesterday Here, and the solution that was suggested was to use a FileStream, and save the data out of it. I just read that this is a horrible idea for binary data on another Stack Overflow question, so I am looking for a better approach to backup all of these little files, some of which might be in use.
I suggest you first zip all the small files together, then back them up to a location.