Search code examples

Using count_all_results or get_compiled_select and $this->db->get('table') lists table twice in query?

How do I use get_compiled_select or count_all_results before running the query without getting the table name added twice? When I use $this->db->get('tblName') after either of those, I get the error:

Not unique table/alias: 'tblProgram'

SELECT * FROM (`tblProgram`, `tblProgram`) JOIN `tblPlots` ON `tblPlots`.`programID`=`tblProgram`.`pkProgramID` JOIN `tblTrees` ON `tblTrees`.`treePlotID`=`tblPlots`.`id` ORDER BY `tblTrees`.`id` ASC LIMIT 2000

If I don't use a table name in count_all_results or $this->db->get(), then I get an error that no table is used. How can I get it to set the table name just once?

public function get_download_tree_data($options=array(), $rand=""){

//join tables and order by tree id
   $this->db->order_by('', 'ASC');

//get number of results to return
   $allResults=$this->db->count_all_results('tblProgram', false);

//chunk data and write to CSV to avoid reaching memory limit
   while (($offset<$allResults)) {
      $this->db->limit($chunk, $offset);  
      foreach ($result as $row) {
           fputcsv($tree_handle, $row);
    return array('resultCount'=>$allResults);


  • Rick James got me on the right track. I ended up having to chunk the results using pagination AND a nested query. Using LIMIT on even 1 chunk of 2000 records was timing out. This is the code I ended up with, which uses get_compiled_select('tblProgram') and then get('tblTrees O1'). Since I didn't use FALSE as the second argument to get_compiled_select, the query was cleared before the get() was run.

            //grab the data in chunks, write it to CSV chunk by chunk
            $i=10;  //counter for the progress bar
            //nesting the limited query and then joining the other field later improved performance significantly
            $query1=' ('.$this->db->get_compiled_select('tblProgram').') AS O2';
            $this->db->join($query1, '');
            $result=$this->db->get('tblTrees O1')->result_array();
            //while select limit returns the limit
            while (count($result)===$chunk) {
                $highestID=max(array_column($result, 'id'));
                //update progres bar with estimate
                if ($i<90) {
                  $this->set_runStatus($qcRunId, $status = "processing", $progress = $i);
                //only get the fields the first time
                foreach ($result as $row) {
                    if ($offset===0 && $putHeaders===0){
                        fputcsv($tree_handle, array_keys($row));
                    fputcsv($tree_handle, $row);
                //get the next chunk
                $this->db->order_by('', 'ASC');
                $this->db->where(' >', $highestID);
                $query1=' ('.$this->db->get_compiled_select('tblProgram').') AS O2';
                $this->db->join($query1, '');
                $result=$this->db->get('tblTrees O1')->result_array();
                //write out last chunk 
                foreach ($result as $row) {
                    fputcsv($tree_handle, $row);
                return array('resultCount'=>$allResults);