Search code examples

How to integrate data from Sumologic API into Power BI - user-not-found error


My goal is to take data from a Sumologic dashboard using the Sumologic API and display it within a dashboard in Power BI. I am checking the calls first within Git Bash, before entering the URLs into Power BI Desktop to visualize the data.

  • I have an Access ID - Looks like: h2348f9

  • and Access Key - Looks like: 23h9qwdjqqq9qqi39d3ef9f94kks9k94k

  • This is the url I am trying to use to access the Dashboard:{dashboard id goes here} According to Sumologic Get Dashboard Documentation

  • I have what I believe is the Dash ID

I acquired the dash ID from the end of the URL in my Sumologic UI.

I have successfully accessed data through the API for using the PBI Desktop UI "Basic" Authentication setting, by substituting the access ID for username and the Access key for password.

(As instructed by the Power BI Documentation on APIs see first few steps. It works, even though this states it is for Azure not SumoLogic)


But when I curl the command in my Git Bash for GET dashboard,

curl -u "(AccessID):(AccessKey)" -X GET ""

I get this json response:

         "message":"Object Not Found."}

I also am unable to add this call into Power BI, likely because of the same error. I was able to add the first URL without any extra user info given.

This Error seems to confirm that the ID is correct, (as I used to get an "Incorrect ID" error instead of a json response before), but I'm not sure. How can I resolve this user-not-found error?


  • The best way to integrate Sumologic into Power BI is to use python scripts that do this curl to get the info needed from Sumologic's SearchJob API.

    Step 1: Make Python Script Replace

    • the URL with your sourceName
    • From and to times
    • query with your query
    #   IMPORTS
    import requests
    import json
    import base64
    import time
    import pandas as pd
    import pytz
    # from async import asyncio
    from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date
    now =
    current_time = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
    dt = []   # DATA TARGET - List of Data values (Index, Timestamp, Message/Query, Count)
    queryList = []   # LIST of Queries
    index = 0   # DATA TARGET COUNT - INDEX NumberqueryList = []
    n = 1   # SET minutes - n = number of Minutes/Hours 5 min AGO TIME - the "from" value  for Query:
    messageCount = 0
    #   Subtract Desired time n  from datetime object containing current time
    five_min_ago = now - timedelta(minutes=n)   # Change time unit here if desired
    past_time = five_min_ago.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
    print("CURRENT TIME: ", current_time, " PAST TIME: ", past_time)
    def makeCall(queryString):   #   F U N C T I O N   
        #   CREDENTIALS: 
        global messageCount
        usrPass = "******"
        encoded_u = base64.b64encode(usrPass.encode()).decode()
        url = ""
        fullQuery = '_sourceCategory=prod/../* _sourceName=/apps/apps/logs/../trace.log ' + queryString + " | count" # Form Query with Common Query Parts
        headers = {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'Authorization': 'Basic '+encoded_u,
            'Cookie': '****'
        payload = json.dumps({
            "query": fullQuery, 
            "from": past_time, #   Format: 2021-10-06T11:40:05 -Minute ago
            "to": current_time, 
            "timeZone": "EST",
            "byReceiptTime": True
        #   MAKE REQUEST AND GET RESPONSE - (CALL #1):  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)
        print("RESPONSE: ", response.text)
        jobId = json.loads(response.text).get("id") # Convert Response (text) to json
        queryUrl = url + "/" + jobId # Make URL Query
        #   SPECIFIC SEARCH JOB CALL - (CALL #2): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        response = requests.request("GET", queryUrl, headers=headers, data=payload)
        state = json.loads(response.text).get("state")
        quitVal = False
        while quitVal == False :
            resp = requests.request("GET", queryUrl, headers=headers, data=payload)
            state = json.loads(resp.text).get("state")
            if state == "DONE GATHERING RESULTS" :
                quitVal = True
                messageCount = json.loads(resp.text).get("messageCount")
        #   GET DATA CALL - (CALL #3): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        #   Form Result URL:
        resultUrl = queryUrl + "/messages?offset=0&limit=10000"  #records?offset=0&limit=1
        results = requests.request("GET", resultUrl, headers=headers, data=payload)
        messages = json.loads(results.text).get("messages") # Access Data
        return messages
    #                     End of   F U N C T I O N   
    # QUERIES By CATEGORY ----------------------------------------
    #    Query string you are searching for within the log:
    Query1 = "... :Exception"
    print(queryList)   #   Print to Check  
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    #   EXECUTE Calls on Each Query - SYNC. = SLOW
    for query in queryList:   
        messages = makeCall(query)
        dt.append((index, past_time,current_time, query, messageCount))
        index = index + 1 #  Increment the Index of DT for next Query
    #   CHECK dt:
    for each in dt:
    #   ADD data to DataFrame Format for Power BI:
    df = pd.DataFrame(dt, columns=('Index', 'FromTime','ToTime', 'Message', 'Messagecount'))    

    Step 2: Add the Python into Power BI . This just requires you to go to add data. Then select python script. Then copy and past your script into the text entry box. Should automatically calculate when you refresh your pbi dash.