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Error in getOptionChain expiry date for multiple tickers

I'm running the Getting options chain for multiple tickers but something is wrong with the expiration date for multiple tickers.

Here's a sample code:

Symbols <- c("XOM","MSFT","JNJ")
Options.20220429 <- getOptionChain("Symbols", "2022-04-29")

And I'm getting the following error:

    Error in = "Symbols", Exp = "2022-04-29") : 
  Provided expiry date(s) not found. Available dates are:

However, if I run a single ticker with same expiration date one by one like the one below, everything works fine.

getOptionChain("JNJ", "2022-04-29")


  • You need to provide the expiry date for each one of your tickers. The following code works:

    Options.20220429 <- lapply(Symbols, getOptionChain, Exp = "2022-04-29")
    names(Options.20220429) <- Symbols