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generate lat-lon along a line shapefile

I have a road shapefile from the following location

I downloaded the shapefile for North America and subset the roads for Canada as follows:

  road <- read_sf(file.path(dir_ls$base,"roadshapefile","GRIP4_Region1_vector_shp","GRIP4_region1.shp"))

  road_canada <- road %>%
                  dplyr::filter(GP_RTP %in% c(1,2), # 1 for highways 
                                GP_REX == 1, # 1 for Open 
                                GP_RRG == 1, # 1 is for Canada
                                GP_RCY == 124 # for Canada

  ggplot(road_canada) + geom_sf()

enter image description here

I want to generate 20 random latlon along the roads

  spsample(road_canada, n=20, type="random")

  Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable)  : 
              unable to find an inherited method for function ‘spsample’ for signature ‘"sf"’

I understand the error that beacause of sf class, this method is not working. I am not aware of any other method that will enable me to do it and wondered if anyone knows any alternative?


  • Using st_sample works, but wasn't totally straightforward. The size of the road data makes it hard to work with in-memory.

    Below the road_canada object is simplified, uses only the geometry column, combined, sampled, and finally had to be cast to POINT to get the coordinates to show up.

    # Use only the geometry column, simplify for a smaller object.
    road_canada <- st_geometry(road_canada) %>% rmapshaper::ms_simplify()
    road_sample <- road_canada %>%
      st_combine() %>%
      st_sample(20) %>%  ## Returns MULTIPOINT EMPTY, fixed with st_cast('POINT')
    #Geometry set for 6 features 
    #Geometry type: POINT
    #Dimension:     XY
    #Bounding box:  xmin: -117.3209 ymin: 52.32145 xmax: -109.5217 ymax: 58.59094
    #Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
    #First 5 geometries:
    #POINT (-109.5217 52.4055)
    #POINT (-117.3209 52.32145)
    #POINT (-112.3959 53.01749)
    #POINT (-112.9708 53.5703)
    #POINT (-113.9 54.38767)

    enter image description here