Search code examples

pair two rows together in sql oracle 10g

I have a below table structure

enter image description here

When the agreement type for the employee is Basic and Appendix (e.g. row 1,2 & 5,6) then these two rows need to be considered together and status would be active. Below should be the expected outcome

enter image description here

How can this be achieved in oracle 10g. Thanks


  • This can be achieved using a CASE statement and the LEAD analytic function to see if the next ID is Appendix.


    --This is to set up the sample data
        emp_agreements (id, emp_id, agreement_type)
            (SELECT 1, 1023, 'Basic' FROM DUAL
             UNION ALL
             SELECT 2, 1023, 'Appendix' FROM DUAL
             UNION ALL
             SELECT 3, 1023, 'Basic' FROM DUAL
             UNION ALL
             SELECT 4, 1023, 'Basic' FROM DUAL
             UNION ALL
             SELECT 5, 1023, 'Basic' FROM DUAL
             UNION ALL
             SELECT 6, 1023, 'Appendix' FROM DUAL)
    --Real query begins here. You will need to put in your real table name
      SELECT emp_id, status
        FROM (SELECT id,
                     CASE LEAD (agreement_type) OVER (PARTITION BY emp_id ORDER BY id)
                         WHEN 'Appendix' THEN 'Active'
                         ELSE 'Pending'
                     END    AS status
                FROM emp_agreements)
       WHERE agreement_type = 'Basic'
    ORDER BY id;


       EMP_ID     STATUS
    _________ __________
         1023 Active
         1023 Pending
         1023 Pending
         1023 Active