Here is my postgresql query
select 'insert into employee(ID_NUMBER,NAME,OFFICE) values ('''||ID_NUMBER||''','''||NAME||''','''||replace(DESIGNATION,'&','and')||''','''||replace(DEPT_NAME,'&','and')||''')' as col
from icare_employee_view
where id_number='201403241'
order by name;
insert into employee(ID_NUMBER,NAME,OFFICE) values ('201403241','ABINUMAN, JOSEPHINE CALLO','Assistant AGrS Principal for Curriculum and Instruction','AGrS Principal's Office')
but I need 'AGrS Principal's Office'
to be 'AGrS Principal''s Office'
but I need 'AGrS Principal's Office' to be 'AGrS Principal''s Office'
any suggestions or sol'n is highly appreciated on how to fix my PostgreSQL query
Hi check this from pgDocs:
quote_literal ( text ) → text
Returns the given string suitably quoted to be used as a string literal in an SQL statement string. Embedded single-quotes and backslashes are properly doubled. Note that quote_literal returns null on null input; if the argument might be null, quote_nullable is often more suitable. See also Example 43.1.
quote_literal(E'O'Reilly') → 'O''Reilly'