I like version controlling my code. It would be a pain to copy every Factor file from my git over to Factor's work directory and back.
Does Factor have an import command that works like Ruby's require
, one that looks in the current directory for source code?
It's easy enough to write a macro that does this. Add the following to ~/.factor-rc
! INCLUDING macro that imports source code files in the current directory
USING: kernel vocabs.loader parser sequences lexer vocabs.parser ;
IN: syntax
: include-vocab ( vocab -- ) dup ".factor" append parse-file append use-vocab ;
SYNTAX: INCLUDING: ";" [ include-vocab ] each-token ;
Which you can use like this (see Rosetta Code).
#! /usr/bin/env factor
INCLUDING: scriptedmain ;
USING: io math.parser ;
IN: test
: main ( -- ) meaning-of-life "Test: The meaning of life is " write number>string print ;
MAIN: main