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apoc.load.jsonParams with Azure Blob signed URL leads to http 403 error

I upload the json file with this code:

BlobClient blobClient = containerClient.GetBlobClient(fileName);

await using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json)))
    response = await blobClient.UploadAsync(ms, new BlobUploadOptions
        HttpHeaders = new BlobHttpHeaders
            ContentType = "application/json",
            ContentEncoding = "UTF-8"

var absoluteUrl = string.Empty;
if (response.GetRawResponse().Status == 201)
    // 1 hour valid
    absoluteUrl = blobClient.GenerateSasUri(BlobSasPermissions.Read, DateTimeOffset.Now + TimeSpan.FromMinutes(60)).AbsoluteUri;

I'm able to open the file completely fine in Browser by entering the signed URL (absoluteUrl), but in Neo4J Cypher apoc.load.jsonParams call I got a http status 403:

CALL apoc.load.jsonParams("https://[ACCOUNTNAME][CONTAINER]/[FILE]?sv=2021-04-10&se=2022-03-31T16%3A35%3A29Z&sr=b&sp=r&sig=[SIGNATURE]", null, null) YIELD value AS item

Have I forgotten anything?


  • Your problem could be related to Neo4j encoding your URL again. Thoroughly check the error message of Neo4j and check if for example %3D is replaced by %253D. If that's the case, you have to pass unescaped Uri to the apoc call by using for example Uri.UnescapeDataString(<yourUrl>).