I have a pycord dropdown menu and I cant find how to set the timeout and how to make the button disable on timeout, and I can't find where I am supposed to add the timeout amount.
class Dropdown(discord.ui.Select):
def __init__(self, bot, timeout=1):
# For example, you can use self.bot to retrieve a user or perform other functions in the callback.
self.bot = bot
self.inter = None
# Alternatively you can use Interaction.client, so you don't need to pass the bot instance.
# Set the options that will be presented inside the dropdown
options = [
label="Red", description="Your favourite colour is red", emoji="🟥"),
label="Green", description="Your favourite colour is green", emoji="🟩"),
label="Blue", description="Your favourite colour is blue", emoji="🟦"),
# The placeholder is what will be shown when no option is chosen
# The min and max values indicate we can only pick one of the three options
# The options parameter defines the dropdown options. We defined this above
placeholder="Choose your favourite colour...",
async def callback(self, interaction: discord.Interaction):
# Use the interaction object to send a response message containing
# The user's favourite colour or choice. The self object refers to the
# Select object, and the values attribute gets a list of the user's
# selected options. We only want the first one.
await interaction.response.send_message(f"Your favourite colour is {self.values[0]}")
async def on_timeout(self):
class DropdownView(discord.ui.View):
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
# Adds the dropdown to our view object.
async def button(ctx):
await ctx.defer()
view = DropdownView(bot)
# Sending a message containing our view
await ctx.followup.send("Pick your favourite colour:", view=view)```
In the Pycord documentation about the Select class, there isn't the timeout property mentioned.
Timeout is a property of the View class and you can therefore use its on_timeout method to disable your Select menu.
By using the clear_items function, the menu will be disabled on timeout.
The code below will not execute the callback.
class Dropdown(discord.ui.Select):
def __init__(self, bot):
# For example, you can use self.bot to retrieve a user or perform other functions in the callback.
self.bot = bot
self.inter = None
# Alternatively you can use Interaction.client, so you don't need to pass the bot instance.
# Set the options that will be presented inside the dropdown
options = [
label="Red", description="Your favourite colour is red", emoji="🟥"),
label="Green", description="Your favourite colour is green", emoji="🟩"),
label="Blue", description="Your favourite colour is blue", emoji="🟦"),
# The placeholder is what will be shown when no option is chosen
# The min and max values indicate we can only pick one of the three options
# The options parameter defines the dropdown options. We defined this above
placeholder="Choose your favourite colour...",
async def callback(self, interaction: discord.Interaction):
# Use the interaction object to send a response message containing
# The user's favourite colour or choice. The self object refers to the
# Select object, and the values attribute gets a list of the user's
# selected options. We only want the first one.
await interaction.response.send_message(f"Your favourite colour is {self.values[0]}")
class DropdownView(discord.ui.View):
def __init__(self, bot, timeout=1):
self.bot = bot
# Adds the dropdown to our view object.
async def on_timeout(self):