I've been writing a Makefile that performs some dependency generation and I've found myself having to duplicate rules because the (legacy) codebase contains a mixture of .cpp
and .cc
files. It seems a bit unsightly. Is there anyway to specify that the prerequisites of a target can be either .cpp
or .cc
So rather than having:
%.d : %.cpp
%.d : %.cc
Create something without the duplication like:
%.d : %.(cpp | cc)
Or is this enforced redundancy just an unfortunate element of GNU Make's design?
First option, use a variable to define the rule body once, and reuse it as needed:
%.d: %.cpp ; $(DEPGEN)
%.d: %.cc ; $(DEPGEN)
Second option, use $(eval)
to dynamically generate the rules:
$(foreach src,cpp cc,$(eval %.d: %.$(src) ; $$(CPP) -MM $$(CPPFLAGS) $$<))