I'm trying to add example response values to my springdoc-openapi swagger documentation.
Like replace the "string" with "Mark Twain" etc.
I tried using this solution - springdoc-openapi: How to add example of POST request?
I'm already using org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody
in my class.
If I use this -
@io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.parameters.RequestBody(content = @Content(examples = {
name = "Person sample",
summary = "person example",
value =
"{\"email\": [email protected],"
+ "\"firstName\": \"josh\","
+ "\"lastName\": \"spring...\""
+ "}")
I get below exception -
no viable alternative at input ',@io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.parameters.RequestBody(content=@Content(examples={@ExampleObject(name="Person sample",summary="person example",value="{\"email\": [email protected],"+"\"firstName\": \"josh\","+"\"lastName\": \"spring...\""+"}")})))': NoViableAltException
Can anyone give me a solution please?
This worked for me
@Schema( type = "string", example = "Clark Kent")
private String name;