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Can Azure Bot App Reg for Microsoft Teams use Single Tenant?

Right now, I have MS Teams Bot running under App Registration configured to use "Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant) and personal Microsoft accounts (e.g. Skype, Xbox)".

To begin with, I did a research on that topic and I am writing this question having in mind following resources:

All these answers, from my understanding, comes to this:

  • prior to late 2021 only Multi-tenant apps as bot identity were supported
  • now I should be able to use the Single-tenat for app registration, but that requires additional configuration
  • moment when mentioned changes are in effect is a moment when Bot is trying to authenticate

As other bots imperatively (explicitly) authorize using ex. MicrosoftAppCredentials - MS Teams Bots have their authorization details configured declaratively in XML files like appsettings.json in bot service.

How can I use Single tenant App Registration with Azure Bot used in MS Teams? Or is it not possible currently?

For future reader: using the answer, I prepared two places where you can access TenantId of incoming activity to perform whitelisting validation (in Multi-tenant setup, because Single-tenant is still not working on Teams):

  1. In BotController:
        public async Task PostAsync()
            // Here using 
  1. In TeamsActivityHandler instance method override:
    internal class /***/ : TeamsActivityHandler
        //any method that have access to TurnContext or Activity
        public override Task /***/(ITurnContext<IInvokeActivity> turnContext, ...)
            // Here using

Having the TenantId you can compare it to the allowed tenant and reject or allow accordingly.


  • I ran into this with another user on this site recently, where Proactive Messaging would not work because they had selected Single Tenant. It's a recent option, and it seems broken from my research - I would go with the MultiTenant option. If you really need to block the bot from being accessible from other tenants (which could well be recommended as it's possible for a bot to be access by any user in any Teams tenant, it might be best to white-list your Tenant Id(s). There's an old sample on how to do this here - haven't tested if it's still working: