We are using MikroORM and would like to create a BaseRepo with some basic methods in our NestJS project. Doing so we ran into a problem with the findOne method. Here is our code:
export class BaseRepo<T extends BaseEntity> {
constructor(protected readonly em: EntityManager) {}
async findOneById(id: string): Promise<T> {
const entity = await this.em.findOne(T, id); // ts complains here
return entity;
export abstract class BaseEntity {
_id!: ObjectId;
id!: string;
TypeScript gives us the following error on the T parameter of findeOne: 'T' only refers to a type, but is being used as a value here.ts(2693).
So it seems TypeScript does not recognize T as an Entity. Is there a way to make it work?
You need to use a value, not a type. Types dont exist during runtime, and you need a runtime value. Base repository should hold the entity name and you should be using that.
export class BaseRepo<T extends BaseEntity> {
constructor(protected readonly em: EntityManager, protected entityName: EntityName<T>) {}
async findOneById(id: string): Promise<T> {
const entity = await this.em.findOne(this.entityName, id);
return entity;