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How to upgrade bluelinelabs/Conductor version 3.1.4 from version 3.0.0

I'm trying to migrate from version 3.0.0 that used conductor-rxlifecycle to version 3.1.4 that is using conductor-archlifecycle and conductor-autodispose.

my current code has extension functions that binds to the lifecycle - and I'm trying to understand what is the code change needed to adjust it to archlifecycle and auto-dispose.

I would appreciate some help here - couldn't figure it out from the demo code.

conductor-archlifecycle demo

conductor-autodispose demo

protected fun <C : RxController> Completable.bindToController(controller: C): Completable =

protected fun <C : RxController> Completable.bindUntil(controller: C, event: ControllerEvent): Completable =

I assume that the controller type should be LifecycleController instead of RxController, but I don't understand what is the replacement of bindToLifecycle

I opened this issue , but I'm trying to get some help here as well


  • This is the change I did to my code to match the new Conductor version:

    The 2 functions above were replaced by this function:

        fun Completable.autoDisposable(event: ControllerEvent? = null): CompletableSubscribeProxy =

    Note that the return type is now CompletableSubscribeProxy and not Completable so the location of the call in the chain might need to be changed.

    I create different scopes:

        private val scopeProvider: ControllerScopeProvider by lazy { ControllerScopeProvider.from(this) }
        private val destroyScopeProvider: ControllerScopeProvider by lazy {

    And this is how getScopeProvider looks

        private fun getScopeProvider(event: ControllerEvent?): ControllerScopeProvider =
        when (event) {
            null -> scopeProvider
            ControllerEvent.DETACH -> detachScopeProvider
            ControllerEvent.DESTROY_VIEW -> destroyViewScopeProvider
            ControllerEvent.DESTROY -> destroyScopeProvider
            else -> throw RuntimeException("Scope for event ${} wasn't created")