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How to render output of stargazer in Rstudio's source pane?

First of all let me say that when I knit a full document that the output of stargazer is as expected. What I'd like to do is render it in my source pane under the block of code like I can with any other type of code, including plots. So far the best I've found is setting startype<-ifelse(is.null(opts_knit$get("")), 'text', 'html') and then in my call to stargazer settings type=startype that way when I knit I get the fully formatted version but in my code chunk I still get something. I'd like to be able to get the fully formatted version so I can tweak the parameters according to how it'll finally look without having to knit the whole thing.

I'm on Windows with Rstudio version 1.4.1106

Is that possible?


  • Below I've created a simple wrapper around the stargazer function called starviewer that does the following:

    • check if the document is being knit to latex or html
    • if the document isn't being knit to latex, output to text or html
    • when run interactively in RStudio, output can appear inline as text and/or in the Viewer pane as html

    I'm not expert with the rstudioapi::viewer() options but this worked well on my system.

    For more on the rstudioapi, see:

    Copy the following four code chunks into an Rmd and they should be able to run interactively or be knit to latex or html automatically depending on the user action.

    ```{r load_packages}
    # good to load stargazer for regular usage
    ```{r starviewer_function}
    # create wrapper around stargazer
    starviewer <- function(...) {
      # make sure stargazer is available
      # assume text output but check for latex or html
      star_format <- "text"
      if(knitr::is_latex_output()) {star_format <- "latex"}
      if(knitr::is_html_output())  {star_format <- "html"}
      # if latex, just run stargazer as usual
      if (star_format == "latex") {
      } else {
      # if not latex, run stargazer in text / html (or both)  
        dir <- tempfile()
        htmlFile <- file.path(dir, "tempfile.html")
        stargazer::stargazer(..., type = star_format, out = htmlFile)
    ```{r run_models}
    lm1 <- lm(mpg ~ wt,      data = mtcars )
    lm2 <- lm(mpg ~ wt + am, data = mtcars )
    ```{r create_table, results = 'asis'}
    starviewer(lm1, lm2)