I figured I would check out fossil for some small apps I have to complete. I am not new to DVCS as I have used CVS, subversion, mercurial, and git. After installing on my Mac (10.7), using homebrew, I am left with the following when attempting to run:
-> % fossil new ../FOSSIL/project.fossil
fossil: SQLITE_CONSTRAINT: abort at 20 in [INSERT INTO user(login,pw,cap,info) VALUES('developer','','dei','Dev');]: column login is not unique
fossil: column login is not unique
INSERT INTO user(login,pw,cap,info) VALUES('anonymous',hex(randomblob(8)),'hmncz','Anon');INSERT INTO user(login,pw,cap,info) VALUES('nobody','','gjor','Nobody');INSERT INTO user(login,pw,cap,info) VALUES('developer','','dei','Dev');INSERT INTO user(login,pw,cap,info) VALUES('reader','','kptw','Reader');
If you have recently updated your fossil executable, you might need to run "fossil all rebuild" to bring the repository schemas up to date.
I have attempted to run fossil init ../FOSSIL/project.fossil
as well as fossil clone http://www.fossil-scm.org/ myclone.fossil
which yields the same results as seen above.
I then tried fossil user list
as it looks like fossil is having issues with logins and users, however fossil expects a repo argument. Searching for the default configuration (something like ~/.gitconfig with git) yielded no results.
I have also tried rm -rf ~/.fossil
and re-running the above commands as well as using brew install sqlite
to get the updated version (3.7.7 as of this writing), but neither seem to help.
What do I need to do in order to get fossil functioning properly?
Silly question... is your own username on the system "developer"? Since that would clash with the name of one of the auto-created users.
Try doing "fossil init -A admin (filename)" to use a different name ("admin" in my example) for the repository owner and see if it works.