On my endpoint's response I need to omit a property if its value is null , so I have tagged the prop with the [JsonProperty(NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore)]
So, with the tag on the property, this property is not going to be part of the response payload and that's what I want to check/assert on my unit tests, that the property does not appear on my JSON response.
I'm using FluentAssertions as assertion framework and AutoFixture as mock generator.
I serialized the response of the endpoint, parsed it to a JObject and then validated if the token exists inside that json, something like this:
var result = await controller.Get(entity.Id);
var objectResult = result as OkObjectResult;
string serializeResponse = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(objectResult.Value,Formatting.Indented);
JObject responseJOject = JObject.Parse(serializeResponse);
//Assert: this is how I checked if the tokens were or not on the json
using (new AssertionScope())
This was based on @dennis-doomen response, I took his advice, but in the opposite way, because all I wanted is to validate if the property was or not inside the response payload (json "body").