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How to check if a method was not invoked with mockk?

I need to check if a method was not invoked in my unit tests. This is an example test I did that checks if the method was invoked and it works perfectly fine:

fun viewModel_selectDifferentFilter_dispatchRefreshAction() {
    val selectedFilter = FilterFactory.make()
    val event = GroceriesAisleFiltersUiEvent.SelectFilter(
        filter = selectedFilter,
        refreshListAction = mockk()
    every { event.refreshListAction(selectedFilter) } just runs
    verify { event.refreshListAction(selectedFilter) }

For that I'm using the mockk's verify function to check if the method is being invoked.

Is there a way to check, using mockk, that this method has not been invoked? In short I need to complete the code below with this check in place of the comment:

fun viewModel_selectSameFilter_notDispatchRefreshAction() {
    val selectedFilter = viewModel.viewState.value.selectedFilter
    val event = GroceriesAisleFiltersUiEvent.SelectFilter(
        filter = selectedFilter,
        refreshListAction = mockk()
    every { event.refreshListAction(selectedFilter) } just runs
    // TODO: verify if method's not invoked


  • If you want to verify that your method was not called, you can verify that it was called exactly 0 times:

    verify(exactly = 0) { event.refreshListAction(any()) } 

    Or, in this case where your event.refreshListAction is the mock, you can equivalently write the following to verify that the mock was not called at all:

    verify { event.refreshListAction wasNot Called }


    It seems that the mock in the question being itself a function (or something else with an invoke operator function) leads to a lot of confusion. For the difference between verify(exactly = 0) and a verify with wasNot Called, refer to the explanation in the answer from @MeLean, where the mock is a simple object.